Simple Rituals

Stone Throw

I put my worries, fears, and self-judgment into this rough, pointy rock,

Wrapped it lovingly with a tall blade of green grass…

And chucked that shit. 

***Ritual isn’t performed to fix anything.

***It is about being present with What Is, even when What Is sucks. 

***It taps us into the subconscious, the Magic, the Possibility that lies below the surface. 

***Sometimes that’s all that’s needed for shifts to occur down the road. 

***But, in the moment, it’s for making What Is…all ok. 

It doesn’t take much when done with honesty, curiosity, and intention

Three Simple Breaths

I went on a recharging hike this morning with a dear friend.  We gathered nature bits into bundles along the way and chatted all the way up. 

At our turn around point we sat in quiet, side by side and tried out a simple Three-Breath Ritual:

What we are letting go of, deep breath.

What we are grateful for in this moment, deep breath. 

What we welcome into our lives, deep breath. 

“Let it be so”, we offered each other with warm hugs. 

We then placed our bundles on a shady rock and off we went!

I don’t feel like an “expert” in Ritual yet and honestly I hope I always stay open and curious about it all. I do trust in it’s magic and grateful for what I learn about myself each time. So I’ll keep at it. 

Join me in trying out new rituals? 

It doesn’t take much to reconnect ourselves again.

Shell Toss

I’m a big believer that honoring new chapters doesn’t have to be complicated, time-consuming, or stressful to be meaningful. I have enough on my plate on a daily basis.

If I add an expectation of perfection to my personal rituals or ceremonies, I just won’t do them.  I know my clients feel the same.  And for our 20th anniversary, we just didn’t want the pressure. 

So, on October 6th, Ted and I honored and celebrated 20 years of marriage simply, intentionally and oh-so-meaningfully on the island of Kauai. 

We knew we wanted to be intentional about the day but we were also okay with being in the flow and seeing how the day unfolded. 

We woke up and decided to hike to Waipo’o Falls through the Pu’u Hinahina trail for canyon views that were mindblowing.  From there, we changed clothes and headed to see the sunset on the white sand dune beaches of Polihale, a mostly secluded and magical spot on the western side of Kauai.  We had some takeout dinner in hand, a beer to share as we settled into the warm sand and the magnificent views. 

With bellies full, we began our Simple Ritual: 

The sun was setting as we reviewed the past 20 years, year by year (to the best of our memory), times of struggles and times of joy. 

We then spoke aloud with Gratitude, the names of everyone in our community that played a role in supporting our journey together, friends, family (and therapists included!). 

We concluded with sharing wishes for the next 20 years as we threw small stones into waves. “Let it be so!”

We don’t have to have ornate decorations and pre planned speeches and gifts to honor and celebrate (or grieve). Often, the pause of Simple Ritual is just what is needed to reflect and make space for wholeness.

Berry Toss

It’s looking a little like New England in these parts!  I couldn’t wait to get out and find the puddles and sounds of flowing water in our neighborhood!

Hearing some heartbreaking news this week, all emotions stirred inside, a weight heavy in my heart. 

Tears for Love and Joy all mixed about. 

I found some berries, took a few breaths and soaked in the sound I love so much. 

Then Gratitude took over. 

I tossed in one berry at a time, speaking my Gratitude and simple prayers allowing the rushing water to spread it all around. 

And then…I skipped home. 

Thank you Rain.

Andrea Manning