Explorer's Journey Ceremonies

Filled with meaningful ritual, this family guided, supported, and celebrated Kermit right into a bright new chapter.   Poetry, homemade baked goods from his younger brother, and that magnificent view certainly added to the warmth and magic surrounding them that day.

After completing a welding project with his mentor and enjoying time in sit spot with his family, Ollie was ready, rain or shine!  With the heavy clouds overhead, he spent his initiation time in his tent on a hill while loving visitors came one at a time sharing stories and support.  When Ollie was called back with cheers and shouts, he confidently ran right past his decorated threshold, through a ravine, creating his own unique path into this new chapter.

This wise and intuitive child dove deeply into this ceremony process. Having watched their sister go through this journey 2 years prior, Gabe had a slight vision for what was unfolding.  With a family that does FUN and CREATIVITY,  BIG-TIME, this ceremony was sparkling with rainbow-colored LOVE and JOY. 

Paxton’s family sure knows how to bring meaning, reverence, and a good time! Look how his community showed up for him!  He was welcomed back from his Sit Spot with song, ritual, homemade treats, and so much love.  

With the whole gang gathered around her from family and  friends, Isabelle demonstrated her confidence and pride at this new chapter.  She began by sharing her project of growing her very own tomatoes in the garden.  Then after stories told, fire tended, strength stones painted, Sit Spot, and a quick outfit change, she galloped down the hill back the circle to warm embraces and teary faces.

How lucky Ted and I were to be a part of this family’s journey. They hold such fierce love and intention with a say-it-like-is approach. Judah’s ceremony unfolded with a unique Sit Spot location on the hill and a yearly family tradition:  chair burning!  Holding space for and with them was a gift to us. 

This creative and compassionate big sister was ready for her big day!  Ella spent quiet time in Sit Spot with her family, worked on a writing project with her mentor, and collected letters of love and support from her community in preparation for her ceremony.  With her close-knit family surrounding her at a nearby river she leaped proudly into this next chapter!

This warm, thoughtful, and big-hearted family was looking forward to slowing down to honor their growing boy.  At a local meadow preserve, a space filled with years of memories for them all, they set up a beautiful and cozy picnic blanket ceremony.  After they shared stories, they sent Sebastian off on his bike for his solo Sit Spot while Mom and Dad had their own connective ritual before welcoming Sebastian back to his family braver and maybe even standing a bit taller!  

Throughout the process, Easton was not so sure about this whole rite of passage idea (so very common!).  Yet once his ceremony began, his transformation unfolded before our eyes.  The shining began along with the outpouring of love from his friends and family.  At the conclusion, he was given the honor of receiving and caring for his very own aquarium and fish.  The pride excitement was palpable!

Andrea Manning