Explorer's Journey FAQ

1-”Does my child have to be exactly 9 years old to take this course?”

No.  Most children go through this transition somewhere between 8 ½ and 10.  We welcome families with kids in that range.

2-”Should I ask my child if they want to have a ceremony or should I tell them before we begin?”

Sharing more about the ceremony is a part of the unfolding of the course and will become homework further down the road.  We guide you on that and recommend that you wait until then.

3-”If my child found out about this course and the ceremony and is really resistant to it, does that mean we shouldn’t sign up?”

Refusal is normal and to be expected in the steps towards transformation and change. “What we don’t understand we fear”, as author Andrew Smith stated.  Your child cannot possibly understand what will be happening.  So we encourage parents to offer their child compassion with confidence and trust.  Less is best for now.

4-”Is this a religious course?”  

No, unless your religion is nature and connecting to the earth and nature practices.  Though we welcome a family’s religious and cultural practices as we weave them into the design of their ceremony, if they are interested. 

5-”What if I live in a city, live far from wild spaces, or don’t have access to large natural spaces?”

Nature is everywhere and together we will find ways discover it!  And remember, ceremony can happen anywhere.

6-”What if my family has never participated in ritual or ceremony before?  Will this feel weird, forced, or unfamiliar?”

We design the ceremony together based on who your child is and who your family is and its unique personality.  Will you and your child be stretched?  Possibly and hopefully! In just the right amounts for transformation and growth.  Will you be asked to be something you are not?  Absolutely not.

7-”We want to do this for our younger child but didn’t have a ceremony for their older siblings.  Is this ok?”

This happens all of the time and we find ways to include siblings in a role that feels appropriate and validating.  Also this course creates a framework so you then have the tools to create ceremony for your older child and for you, as parents, as you step into new chapters.

8-”We are a busy family.  How much time and energy do we need to put into this?  Is there homework?”


The gift of this course is offering a pause in the chaos, to witness, reflect, let go, celebrate.  Pausing is often the most treasured part of this course.  Yes there is homework, though most is to notice, reflect, and get intentional.  You can take this course as deep or as simple as you’d like!

9-”What if our family isn’t very outdoorsy?”  

You just need to be exactly who you are.  Together we will discover ways for your family to enjoy the beautiful gifts of our planet.

10-”Do you have offerings for adolescence or college age kids?”


YES!  I guide families through ALL life transitions.  Go to my website for more information on how to honor your older child or another family member.

Andrea Manning